Brian Hatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > I'm wondering why I would want that - until now nobody could give me a > > good argument although everybody learns to remove the shells :-( > > > > * If I give my users a disabled password, they cannot? login via passwd > > based ssh/ftp/pop3 etc. > > Not true. Say you disable the passwd (put "*" in /etc/shadow > file, for example) but they have already enabled SSH identity > authentication so they never use actual password authentication. > You think they can't log in because there's no legal password, > but SSH lets them in before it gets there.
In the past, many people have had similar issues using the r* commands. If the user has a shell and ssh or any of the r* commands are running, you have to protect the user's home directory from writing just as diligently as you would have to protect their passwords, and a nonexistent shell in /etc/passwd provides another layer of protection. And it's not just a matter of the user creating a .rhosts file before their password is disabled. Writing to a home directory is one way to escalate privileges; for example, your news user was: news:x:9:13:news:/etc/news: . If news has write permission in /etc/news, a bug in your newsserver that provides only the ability to create arbitrary files owned by news can suddenly be leveraged into a shell on your system if you have ssh or r* running and news has a real shell. ----ScottG.