On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Alejandro F. Reimondo
<alereimo...@smalltalking.net> wrote:
> John,
>>Where else should I look?
> In my opinion what is "missing" in the languages
>  formulations is sustainability of the system. [*]
> In case of formula/abstract based declaration of systems
>  all alternatives make people put on the idea(L) side
>  and not in the system itself (the natural side).
> Smalltalk is the only alternative of sustainable system
>  development used commertially today.
> What is missing in your interesting email and also in
>  interesting projects like fonc is the consideration of the
>  development of open systems; also called complex
>  systems in literature, but I prefer to do not use that
>  word; and use "open" that is unfortunatelly used for
>  propaganda, but is more acurate to define sustainable
>  systems (open in contents and through time).

Do you have any references on "open" or "complex" systems research in
language design?  I've tried googling and without being familiar with
the main authors in the field am finding it hard to sift through the


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