(standard disclaimer: I don't represent the official stance of VPRI or Alan Kay)

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:37 AM, Reuben Thomas <r...@sc3d.org> wrote:
> On 27 February 2010 08:08, Dan Amelang <daniel.amel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (Regarding your puzzling over Alan's views, though, you might want to
>> try emailing him directly. After you've done due diligence reading up
>> on the subject, of course.)
> Although it would be of far greater value if such an exchange took
> place in public, e.g. on this list.

Sure. FYI, Alan may not be on this list. Of course, one can write him
and invite him to participate in a discussion here about clarifying
certain views of his.

Either way, I suggest going to the source and clarifying before
drawing conclusions.

> VPRI seems really bad at actually getting publicity for its work:

Could be. Obviously this is not a top goal at this point in the
project. Getting publicity isn't always good (yes, I'm familiar with
the popular phrase :). And even when you want it, it does take effort.
And it commits you to a certain extent, because people want to have a
consistent story, so backtracking is harder. But often to make
progress, you have to change your mind. Also, in the exploratory
stages of an ambitious project, you don't want to get bogged down
handling bug reports.

Things may very well change later in the project when it might make
more sense to "productize" the research.

> There isn't even a "software" link on the home page of
> vpri.org,

That may be a mistake, as the link _does_ show up on the other pages
(it would help if you emailed i...@vpri.org about this)

> and the projects directly linked to on the "Our work" page
> did not originate at VPRI (Squeak Etoys & Croquet).

It was the pretty much the same group of people, but the group has
been hosted by different organizations over the years (Disney, HP,


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