On 21 January 2012 23:56, Robin Barooah <ro...@sublime.org> wrote:
> Whilst I share the feeling that a lot more should have been possible, the 
> earlier work informed or transformed almost all of what personal computing is 
> today, and arguably, the
> embodiments that are closest to the original are proving themselves to be 
> most successful.

And how faint the influence. We have systems that are (increasingly)
locked down, (increasingly) fragmented and (increasingly) complex. The
great gifts of introspection, re-use, sharing and simplicity are
buried somewhere underneath. Yes, without the earlier work of those at
VPRI, things would be less good. But that's small recompense.

> With hindsight, I don't think it's obvious that different tactics would have 
> changed the outcome.

Nor do I have any idea how it could have been done better.

> I would be interested to hear how you think greater impact could have been 
>achieved the first time around.

No idea. You'll notice that pretty much all my recommendations depend
on current technology.

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