On 21 January 2012 18:23, Shawn Morel <shawnmo...@me.com> wrote:
> Your response is enlightening in many ways.

Yours is deeply depressing, as it shows just how resilient the ivory
tower researcher mentality still is.

> After all, given that more or less robust implementations
> of OMeta exist, if I truly understand, for example,
> "nothing" the low level machine language, then I should
> be able to spend an afternoon with OMeta and this year's
> report's appendix and have a crude "nothing" interpreter.

We're not all researchers.

Only a few people are ever going to understand these ideas well enough
to reimplement them. But they are not the only people that count:
funders, entrepreneurs, and users have to be convinced to some degree
of the value of the ideas too, or they will not flourish. Just look at
all the good ideas in computer science that are still ignored decades
after they were dreamed up. Many of them have come from the
researchers at VPRI.

In the past, computer scientists were stuck with publishing papers,
like most scientists still are. Other researchers could try to
reproduce their results; some might push their ideas into industry,
and eventually we'd get products. But now, uniquely among the
sciences, we can directly publish our experiments, so that anyone can
try them. Keen end-users can play with them, other researchers can
take them apart to find out how they work, developers can use them

This gives more and complementary routes to a wide range of degrees of
understanding, from simply thinking "that's cool" to the traditional
scientific reproduction of results.

Merely convincing other researchers is not enough: at the very least,
VPRI's constituency is developers; to the extent that it affects UIs,
it extends to users too. There are plenty of important ideas in
computer science and software engineering that are gathering dust in
the annals of research because the relevant group has never warmed to

I see two main reactions from the researchers themselves:

1. We don't want to be distracted.

Well, don't be. Publish all your code on github or a similar service,
and take no responsibility for it, don't answer any issues, reply to
any comments, and feel free to rewind and replace the repository. Even
so, people will love playing with the code you put up, will fork it,
and will do interesting work with it.

2. The stuff we have is just temporary. People should wait for the
finished version.

I'll believe that when I see a finished release. Most academic
projects never reach 1.0. You do both your intermediate work and your
audience a disservice by not releasing the intermediate work: even if
it really is as transient and unrelated to the final result as you
claim, it'll help to build interest in your work, which deserves and
needs that, and help your audience to follow you on your journey.
Teaching of most subjects tends to recapitulate their historical
development until they become mature; hence, throwing out early
research prototypes facilitates this natural (and, for the
researchers, zero-effort) didactic path.

> I think it re-inforces for me how computer science is
> really more of an "automation pop culture."

> As a society, we've become engrossed with product

You underestimate the importance of both pop culture and products to
research. Research does not grow and prosper in some abstract academic
noosphere, but in a corner of contemporary culture. Most people only
ever get as far as pop culture and products. Researchers that get this
tend to be more successful than those that don't. I'd like these
particular researchers to be more successful (and in particular, more
successful than they've been in the past) at promulgating their ideas,
which is why I'm trying to encourage them to exploit easy ways to
engage their audience.

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