> Am Sonntag, 13. Januar 2002 23:31 schrieben Sie:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I have busy evaluated the FO technology and I would like to hear from
> > people that are using it for real-life business needs.

I have a client who is happily using Fop to produce pretty printable versions
of web tables (lots of financial figures) and charts. They are a very demanding
user and wouldn't accept the system if it didn't do what they wanted.

> > What kind of documents are they using it with ? What volume ? Embedding
> > it in servlets ? How do they cope with the "speed" ? How do they justify
> > using FO to their bosses ?

Tables of Figures and graphical charts.
Low volume indeed (but very powerful machines)
Embedded in servlets but due to IE bugs we sometimes had to save the whole pdf to disk
and then redirect the browser to the saved pdf file. This is *bad* for a high volume 
The speed is acceptible. Most of the time we actually email the pdf to the user so 
speed is not an issue.
My contact in the client company didn't need to specify what tools he used to his 
he just needed to produce good printouts from the website.

London Business?
I am looking at providing some free Open Source consultancy to London businesses
so if you run Fop in London please visit http://www.OWAL.co.uk/ and fill in the 

Alex McLintock

Alex McLintock        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Open Source Consultancy in London
OpenWeb Analysts Ltd, http://www.OWAL.co.uk/ 
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