Sorry to send this to the whole list.

You should probably report the file name truncation as a bug to Apple.  OS
9 and earlier could only have 31 char file names.  OSX should aleviate
this.  You didn't run stuffit expander under a OS 9 emulator did you?


|         | |
|         |           .APACHE.ORG                                        |
|         |                                                              |
|         |           12/10/02 02:46 PM                                  |
|         |           Please respond to fop-dev                          |
|         |                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |       To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                     |
  |       cc:                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  RE: Getting FOP running on Mac OS X                          |

Clay Leeds wrote:

> Above it indicates /Library/Java/Home is a symbolic link to the installed
> version. If Java is updated, this is changed to point the new version. I
> don't know how it's maintained, but I assume that the scripts for
> installing help with the "maintenance". Personally, I'd rather
> have be able
> to download from like everyone else, instead of from Apple,
> but they've got their reasons...
> In addition, I found these links helpful:
> Apple's Technical Java Q/As:
> Apple's Java FAQ:

What I am trying to say is that I am in a worse position if I tell the user
to do something that doesn't work than I am if I tell them nothing at all
(the status quo). I don't doubt that OSX knows how to keep the links
straight, but it can't possibly know exactly what version of Java FOP

I went ahead & updated the "running.xml" document to include information on
these two issues (filename truncation and JAVA_HOME). I added a "caveat"
the java faq link you provided above to try to mitigate the upgrade issue.
am not sure when the web site will next be updated, but in the meantime, if
you want to look at the content, go to:


Victor Mote

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