On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 12:08:50PM +0200, Luca Furini wrote:
>    Hi all
> So, I have tried to implement Knuth's line-breaking algorithm [1], which
> calculates breaking points after having gathered information about a whole
> paragraph.
> Here are a few advantages of this algorithm:
> - first of all, the output is very beautiful; there is not a big
>   difference in width between spaces in consecutive lines, and the max
>   space width is smaller than before
> - the interaction between LLM and TLM is quite the same; the TLM returns a
>   different kind of objects, much smaller
> - the TLM code is simplified a bit, as it has no more to handle leading
>   spaces, or calculate flags (which IMO are rather line-related than
>   text-related)
> - the LLM now can quite easily handle properties such as text-indent,
>   text-align-last, word-spacing and letter-spacing

Wow. No question that this is a desirable thing to have. I thought
that it would be several releases away before we could address this.
But if you have a viable solution, by all means show it to us.


Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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