On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 09:56:25AM +0100, Chris Bowditch wrote:
> Luca Furini wrote:
> >You are completely right; by the way, what other child LMs could the LLM
> >have?
> I'm just guessing, but I think anything that can appear inline, i.e. 
> hyperlinks, leaders, etc. Block level stuff like Tables and graphics can 
> not be children of the LLM.

I agree, all LMs for which generatesInlineAreas() returns true. That
is more or less the definition of LineLM, see its constructor. Note
that you also have to deal with descendants below children,
e.g. childLMs in an inlineLM. Other LMs may hide their content and
return a block to LineLM. For example, fo:inline-container (I guess
ICLayoutManager) may contain blocks, but hides them in a single block
from the LineLM (I am guessing a bit; have never dived so deep into
the details of these FOs; I compare them to TeX's vbox construct.)

I will see if I can get some more info on the possible descendants of
a LineLM.
> >I thank all that spent some time looking at it and testing it, and I
> >apologize if I have not been able to clearly explain what my aim was.
> No need to apologize or thanks us, your efforts are most appreciated.

I agree.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.nl

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