On Sat, 10 May 2003, Victor Mote wrote:

> Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> > > Then, copy the file "JimiProClasses.zip" from the archive to
> > > {fop-install-dir}/lib/jimi-1.0.jar. Please note that FOP binary
> >
> > um ... i don't understand the idea of copying a .zip file to
> > a new location, and renaming it to be a .jar file.
> cp tmp/xyz.zip xml-fop/lib/abc.jar
> I'm not sure how this evolved, but I think the purpose for it must be so
> that the hard-coded build system can find them in the proper place. AFAIK,
> there is no problem with letting your CLASSPATH point to them in a different
> place if you are running but not building FOP. I could be wrong, which is
> why I think you need to isolate the difference between  your approach and
> the standard approach.

i have, in fact, been testing this all morning.  despite the fact that i 
don't see how invoking FOP through fop.sh can make any logistical 
difference, i did copy the jai_core.jar file under the {fop}/lib 
directory, i used fop.sh, i verified that all .jar files under that
directory are being prepended to the classpath that is used by the 
eventual call to FOP.

so far, no go.  now, it may well be that i'm still doing something
wrong, but frankly, it should *not* be this hard.  despite my adding
both JIMI and JAI to my classpaths, and copying them under {fop}/lib,
neither of those libraries are managing to render a simple .png

i'm open to any suggestions as to how to isolate the problem here.


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