Hmm, and if you do PDF->PDF using GhostScript instead of PDF->PS->PDF,
i.e. without writing an intermediate file? I think that should be
possible. You may need to specify the full GhostScript command line to
do it right. I hope there is some difference.

On 23.02.2004 21:04:32 A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Just as an aside: GhostScript correctly renders EPS pictures embedded in
> > a PDF generated by FOP. That's because GhostScript is a PostScript
> > interpreter and Acrobat Reader isn't.
> Yes, I know.  But I have to print through Acrobat Reader and that can not
> handle the PDF+PS mix.  I have to generate a fully compliant PDF, and the
> only way I found is through ps2pdf from PS, which ignores
> super|subscripts.
> But you hint to a new path: I generate a PDF+EPS hybrid with superscripts
> and drawings, convert it to PS with pdf2ps, and then generate the final
> fully compliant PDF with ps2pdf.
> hold on ....
> OK, I get some huge files.  And AcroRead can show the drawings.
> But now my JPG's are all blocky and the fonts are rastered to pixels -
> awful!
> Bwa-ha-haaa!

Jeremias Maerki

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