Problem is in the FO to PDF. I was running the standalone fop on
xsl:fo I transformed.
I read your earlier post about a disk based dom solution. I am
interested in learning more about that if you don't mind sharing.

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 23:46:31 -0400, Derek Schenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is the problem that your having in the transform of XML to FO, or FO to PDF?
> I use FOP to convert FO documents that have gotten as large as 800MB - 1GB in 
> size (65,000 pages), and I can have several dozen running at the same time.  
> I just make sure that the page sequence size is kept under 100 pages and it 
> seems to be fine.  The average memory usage for a report with a page sequence 
> size of 50 pages seems to be just a couple MB.
> Where I have had challenges in the past is getting an XSLT transformer to 
> deal with a 400MB XML document that I want to run through a stylesheet. :)
> Derek

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