On 11.01.2007 01:22:04 pwillsey wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, in this case I'd modify the application so you can write out the
> > generated FO within your application. Maybe there's something special
> > about that environment.
> > 
> I modified the application to do this and then I ran the fo file that was
> created through one of the FOP examples provided on your webpage
> (ExampleFO2PDF.java) and it successfully converted it from FO to PDF.

So, that means if you run it through FOP in your application, it doesn't
work but if you serialize the XSLT processor's output to an FO file
(instead of calling FOP) in the same environment and format the
resulting file it works. Is that correct? If yes, it's a really weird
problem I cannot help without getting my hands on the whole thing. Sorry.

> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> > 
> > I'm sure you did it right, but are you certain that you properly
> > override the default XSLT implementation with Xalan 2.7.0 using the
> > endorsed standards override mechanism?
> > 
> No I'm not sure I didn't write the code originally I'm very new to using
> FOP.

In that case, I suggest you read 
Because if you don't know how to properly replace the JAXP
implementations in an environment, you're never sure what version you're
working with.

>  Here is the code that does the transformation it looks like some of it
> came from your examples page:

That code snippet doesn't really help because it doesn't show how you
instantiate the TransformerFactory and how your code looks if you just
serialize to an FO file for testing purposes.

> protected byte[] transform() {
>               byte[] result = null;
>               _errorCondition = false;
>               try {
>                       // Setup output
>                       ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
>                       BufferedOutputStream bout = new 
> BufferedOutputStream(out);
>                       try {
>                               // Construct fop with desired output format
>                               Fop fop = 
> this.fopFactory().newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, bout);
>                               // Setup XSLT
>                               Transformer transformer = 
> this.xsltTransformer();
>                               // Set the value of a <param> in the stylesheet
>                               transformer.setParameter("versionParam", "2.0");
>                               transformer.setErrorListener(this);
>                               if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>                                       StringBuffer aLog = new StringBuffer();
>                                       aLog.append("transformer 
> properties:\n");
>                                       Properties properties = 
> transformer.getOutputProperties();
>                                       for (Iterator iterator = 
> properties.keySet().iterator();
> iterator.hasNext();) {
>                                               String key = (String) 
> iterator.next();
>                                               aLog.append("\t property:" + 
> key + " value:" + properties.get(key));
>                                       }
>                                       logger.debug(aLog.toString());
>                               }
>                               // Setup input for XSLT transformation
>                               Source src = this.xsltInput();
>                               // Resulting SAX events (the generated FO) must 
> be piped through
>                               // to FOP
>                               Result res = new 
> SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());
>                               // Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
>                               transformer.transform(src, res);
>                               // Result processing
>                               FormattingResults foResults = fop.getResults();
>                               if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>                                       logger.debug("foResults " + foResults);
>                               }
>                               bout.flush();
>                               result = out.toByteArray();
>                       } finally {
>                               out.close();
>                       }
>               } catch (Exception exception) {
>                       if (logger.isEnabledFor(org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR)) {
>                               logger.error("Exception ", exception);
>                       }
>                       result = new byte[] {};
>               }
>               if (_errorCondition)
>                       result = new byte[] {};
>               return result;
>       }
> The Exception Occurs on this line:
> // Start XSLT transformation and FOP processing
> transformer.transform(src, res);
> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> > 
> > I don't think the difference in processor technology should make any
> > difference here. Normally, the choice of JVM and application server is a
> > more likely cause.
> > 
> > On 10.01.2007 18:48:12 pwillsey wrote:
> >> 
> >> I ran the transformation from both computers on the command line, the FO
> >> file
> >> was identical and did not contain a fo:simple-page-master element with
> >> more
> >> then one fo:region-body.  I'm using Xalan 2.7.0 on both machines for XSLT
> >> processing.  Not sure if this is relevant but the machine I'm having
> >> problems with is running OS X with an intel chip and the development
> >> machine
> >> is a powerpc.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> >> > 
> >> > If you haven't done so already, run only the XSLT transformation
> >> outside
> >> > your application (on the command-line) and inspect the generated FO
> >> file.
> >> > You may also need to verify that you're using the same XSLT processor
> >> in
> >> > both environments.
> >> > 
> >> > On 10.01.2007 06:33:05 pwillsey wrote:
> >> >> 
> >> >> Hello,
> >> >> I'm getting a validation exception:
> >> >> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException:
> >> >> org.apache.fop.fo.ValidationException: Error(Unknown location): For
> >> >> fo:simple-page-master, only one fo:region-body may be declared.
> >> >> 
> >> >> But I've checked the XLST sheet and there is no fo:simple-page-master
> >> >> element with more then one fo:region-body.  I've also tested this on
> >> >> another
> >> >> machine and it works fine.  I'm using FOP V. 0.93 (on Both machines). 
> >> >> 
> >> >>  Not sure if this makes a difference but I'm using FOP in a webobjects
> >> >> project and I get the exception when I deploy the project but not when
> >> I
> >> >> run
> >> >> it using eclipse on my development machine.
> >> >> 
> >> >> Any help would be greatly Appreciated

Jeremias Maerki

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