Andreas Delmelle a écrit :
OK. Just curious: Any chance you could test it on another build or maybe even Java 6?

Probably, if required or useful. Our sys admins are very cooperative ;-)

In my personal experience, optimizing the stylesheet code usually does not offer much improvement in terms of global memory usage, but it could have a noticeable impact on the processing time. One of the things I've learned about generated XSL-FO stylesheets by Altova is that they add a lot of fo:inlines to specify, for example, font-properties on the lowest levels in the generated FO while, when comparing to the font-properties of the fo:inlines' parents nothing really changes, except for the size, style or weight. From FOP's point of view, that's somewhat of a waste. Much better to specify a global font-size on the page-sequence, and override on the lower levels only what is really necessary. After adapting the stylesheet manually, and removing the redundant fo:inlines, the stylesheet and the generated FO were reduced to not even half the original size.

Yes. That is exactly what happened to the stylesheet we use. I've reduced it drastically. One issue with stylesheets generated by StyleVision is that you must be careful when you tweak them to avoid certain [fo-block inside fo:inline] combinations that make FOP crash with a stack trace and no really useful information about what's happening or where. This bug is mentioned in the FOP bug tracker, though in a rather raw, loose manner. I removed all such constructs and that made the XSLT much simpler and cleaner.
Something else that bothered me, but I don't know if that was also generated by Altova, is that in one of the stylesheets I saw, the entire transformation was contained in one giant template...
With the last version, or our XSLT ? this was no longer the case.
AFAIU, this gives little opportunity for the XSLT processor to clean up anything. Java 1.5 uses Xalan XSLTC by default, which converts templates into Java objects. One giant template would then mean one very long-living object that may reference numerous others for the whole duration of the processing run. If you look at the chain, when using XML+XSLT input, FOP is always the first one to finish, then the XSLT processor, then the XML parser. If the XSLT processor cannot reclaim anything, this will give FOP less room to work with, so it ultimately runs slower. As the heap increases to reach the maximum, the points where the JVM will launch the GC by itself, will also increase. Since it cannot expand the heap anymore, it will try to clean up more frequently.
Yep, that is why I've tried to be cautious not to accuse FOP publicly ;-)
The problem is in the (Xalan + FOP) subsystem and the profiling could well show that the issue is Xalan-related. BTW, we've made the Xalan-FOP coupling a parameter so that we can use tight coupling (with Sax events) or loose coupling (writing the intermediate FO files on disk). We usually use the second option, since the possibility to read the FO intermediate code is helpful when you debug. And I guess without being really sure that not to have Xalan and FOP working at the same time should use less memory. This separation probably accounts for the long execution time, but that is not an issue since document generation does not occur often in the target system (you can generate chapters for proofreading but you generate the whole document once-twice a day).

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