Hehe. We've been working on the during the last few days. I'm just
waiting for the mirrors to catch up until I post the announcement.

Please note that 0.95 final will be a bugfix release to 0.95 beta. Most
of the features in trunk won't be in 0.95 final. What feature are you
referring to?

On 05.08.2008 10:07:27 Kamal Bhatt wrote:
> Hi,
> I know it is bad form to ask this question, but I was wondering when 
> 0.95beta would cease to be a beta and become a full fledged version? I 
> would like to use it in our production environment but I cannot make the 
> case for it while it is in beta. Actually, I would really like what is 
> in trunk to be released (working of course) as it has a feature I really 
> need.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Kamal Bhatt

Jeremias Maerki

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