On 06.08.2008 01:02:21 Kamal Bhatt wrote:
> Kamal Bhatt wrote:  Jeremias Maerki wrote: min-height is the (more or less) 
> same as block-progression-dimension.minimum which already works with 0.95. 
> min-height and max-height are so-called "corresponding properties" and are 
> only in FO for CSS compatibility. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#min-height
> OK, in which case, I have another reason to upgrade :)
> Well, that was a waste of half a day. block-progression-dimension.minimum 
> works in 0.93. Question about this.
> I have this code:
>             <fo:table-body>
>               <fo:table-row>
>                 <fo:table-cell font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> background-color="#DCE3E9" display-align="center"
>                   border-color="white" border-style="solid" 
> border-bottom-style="none">
>                   <fo:block>
>                     <fo:block margin-bottom="1mm" margin-top="1.5mm" 
> margin-left="1mm">
>                       IBadfasfd
>                     </fo:block>
>                   </fo:block>
>                 </fo:table-cell>
>                 <fo:table-cell number-rows-spanned="2" font-size="7.5pt" 
> line-height="1.4" background-color="#DCE3E9"
>                   display-align="center" border-color="white" 
> border-style="solid" border-left-style="none" 
> block-progression-dimension.minimum="45mm">
>                   <fo:block>
>                     <fo:block margin-bottom="1mm" margin-left="3mm" 
> margin-top="3mm" >
>                       <fo:block>blah</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block>blah</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block>Tb;ah</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block>blah</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdft</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                       <fo:block font-size="7.5pt" font-weight="bold" 
> margin-top="3mm">asdf</fo:block>
>                     </fo:block>
>                   </fo:block>
>                 </fo:table-cell>
>               </fo:table-row>
>               <fo:table-row>
>                 <fo:table-cell font-size="7.5pt" line-height="1.4" 
> background-color="#EBF1F6" display-align="center"
>                   border-color="white" border-style="solid">
>                   <fo:block margin-bottom="1mm" margin-top="0mm" 
> margin-left="3mm">
>                     TTESTESTETSTEET
>                   </fo:block>
>                   <fo:block margin-bottom="1mm" margin-top="0mm" 
> margin-left="3mm">
>                     asdfasdf
>                   </fo:block>
>                 </fo:table-cell>
>               </fo:table-row>
>             </fo:table-body>
> Now, when I run this, it works, but if I put the
> block-progression-dimension.minimum="45mm" on the block (instead of the
> table) it doesn't work. My reading of the standard is that it should be.
> What am I missing?

How do you get to that impression? block-progression-dimension doesn't
apply to fo:block (and therefore doesn't have any effect). Either put it
back on the cell or row, or use an fo:block-container which supports

See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#fo_block
And: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#prapply

> Also, I want subsequent pages to have the same height, how can I achieve this?

I don't know what you mean. If you have your page-master setup right,
you always get pages of the same height if content spans over multiple


Jeremias Maerki

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