Sorry about my messages getting chopped.

On 5/25/23 9:34 PM, Jerry DeLisle via Fortran wrote:
Hi all,

I found this message in my spam folder tonight.

Please look.  I also sent a note to Damian on this.

Maybe we can get someone to push forward on te native coarrays work?

Other thoughts?


 [awvwgk]       awvwgk Regular
May 16

Hi Jerry,

we are currently securing funding for the Fortran community from the German government, see this thread:

    Application to the Sovereign Tech Fund Projects

We recently had a meeting in Berlin with the Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) to evaluate the pilot round of their open source funding program which our community participated in. A big thanks to the people in who worked on the projects in our community. Now with the pilot round coming to an end soon, we have the chance to apply for further funding with the STF. Let’s have a look through our community and identity the projects with the largest impact on Fortran. A couple of suggestions to get the …

I would like to discuss with the GFortran developer community whether there is interest to setup a joint project to pay somebody to work on GFortran full time. We have funding available for 18 months with 600k EUR starting mid of June (please do not share this numbers publicly yet), but we can also ask the fund for more money if needed. What do you think? Is it worth to bring this up on the GFortran mailing list or mattermost server?


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