On Dec 5, 5:32 pm, "nepbabu.cx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jacob N wrote:
> > Hi all,
> [...]
> > You'll have to know some Java and be ready to do (or delegate) the
> > spreadsheet work for the font conversion tables
> > (seehttp://code.google.com/p/nepaliconverter/source/browse/trunk/Conversi...
> > for an example).
> [...]
> > Perhaps some company could assign a developer to this and get great
> > publicity when its finished and they can publish it in their own name
> > (must remain Open Source, of course).
> > I suppose 2 months on half time work for a developer is needed.
> > Jacob
> Why can't students do this project? This is a great chance for students to 
> enhance their CV as well as get some work done in an opensource language.
> Besides, its also applicable to the context of Nepal. I think its a good 
> chance for CS students to grab the chance.

Yes, if a student (group) is interested its fine. The problem is the
timing, as the project must be done during the next few months.
Also, this group must be ready to be really persistent and 'go to the
end' with the project, as a real, downloadable, usable application is
needed in the end.
So for example the conversion tables must be complete and they must be
there for most of the fonts, which requires some tedious testing and
quality assurance work (which is really a very realistic situation and
a good experience).
And someone needs to maintain it afterwards (which would be extremely
honorable - to be the maintainer of the software evryone uses for
conversion/transliteration of Nepali!)

And, please note, although I'm also a Java teacher I wont be using a
lot of time teaching Java to anyone. I have some other projects to
finish as well before I leave Nepal (some Esperanto films, an
opensource Nepali-Esperanto dictionary http://nespa.saluton.dk/vortaro
and an opensource English-Esperanto Machine Translation system -
http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Category:English_and_Esperanto - for
which I hope to 'sell' to someone for making opensource Nepali-English
og Nepali-Esperanto machine translation, im going to hold a talk about
that on Tribuvan University in december or january).

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