On 3/13/2016 4:24 AM, David Vines wrote:
On 11/03/2016 22:49, Ross Berteig wrote:

* technoteattachcli

New fossil attach command for CLI ability to attach files to wiki pages
and technotes. Work in progress, apparently stalled.

* technote-cli

New CLI features for managing technotes. Work in progress, apparently

Looking more closely, it appears that the changes in technnote-cli got made a second time in the branch technoteattach, which was integrated to trunk by Richard right before you branched off technoteattachcli. Since my survey was only of open branches, I missed that one.

I've haven't any comments back on these branches, but I'm happy with the
version of fossil I'm running with these branches (my implementation
certainly does the job I want to do), I haven't followed up. I don't
think a novice (with fossil) should be merging them in any event :). Any
thoughts as to my next actions?

IMHO, aside from checking if there's any part of the changes made in technote-cli that got missed in the later branch, it likely should simply be closed and abandoned.

That leaves technoteattachcli as the home of some further changes, notably the new fossil attachment command to support attaching files to wiki pages and technotes from the CLI. Which is certainly a useful feature.

Since there's been a fair bit of change on trunk since the first of the year, the next step is to merge trunk into the your branch and resolve any quirks and issues that creates. That will get you the latest round of improvements to the test framework as well.

Since this step doesn't require particular knowledge of your new features, I have done that merge, built it on Windows, and note that it passes all the test cases that currently exist.

There's currently no test coverage at all of the old wiki command, and certainly no coverage of the new --technote option or the attachment command. I'd like to encourage new features to have at least a minimal test case that exercises their basic functions. If I have time, I'll see what I can do for that as well.

Aside from test cases, I guess we need consensus that the new fossil attachment command is the right way to add the feature. It makes sense to me. Anyone else want to chime in?

Ross Berteig                               r...@cheshireeng.com
Cheshire Engineering Corp.           http://www.CheshireEng.com/
+1 626 303 1602
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