On 3/18/2016 11:44 AM, Ross Berteig wrote:
On 3/18/2016 1:20 AM, David Vines wrote:
I have created a wiki.test test suite to exercise the command interface
for tech notes and attachments, but don't have write access to the
fossil repository - is there someone to whom I can send the test suite?

You can send it to me at the email address in my sig block....

It is checked in with a minor tweak in the technoteattachcli branch.

The tweak had to do with a name collision that occurred about one run in five or so on my Windows box. Apparently the technote created for the test wiki-30 time stamped "now" occasionally gets created during the same second as one of several other entries in the timeline, which causes it to fail to create the note, and thus failing the test wiki-30.

I kludged over it by causing the test case to wait a bit more than a second before creating the note "now". I think that is plastering over either a bug in the documentation (most likely) or the technote code.

The timeline being evaluated after creating the note "now" looks like this:

C:/Users/Ross/Documents/tmp/fbuild-notcl/fossil.exe timeline
RESULT: === 2016-03-23 ===
20:53:13 [5c25444958] Unique technote (user: Ross)
20:53:12 [652a43d765] Changes to wiki page [tcltest] (user: Ross)
20:53:12 [ef7da924b5] Add attachment [/artifact/4c370e297712fb52|fa] to tech note [/technote/a67126d98d45bd6578187242cad74ff72ccfc2d4|a67126d98d] (user: Ross) 20:53:11 [97eebcfcb9] Add attachment [/artifact/4c370e297712fb52|fa] to wiki page [tcltest] (user: Ross)
20:53:11 [301c0a269e] Changes to wiki page [tcltest] (user: Ross)
20:53:11 [6762a0a450] Changes to wiki page [tcltest] (user: Ross)
20:53:10 [d1fa9bd137] *CURRENT* initial empty check-in (user: Ross tags: trunk)
=== 2016-01-04 ===
12:34:56 [912ac4b7cc] technotenow (user: Ross)
=== 2016-01-03 ===
12:34:00 [581c96f1e3] technote (user: Ross)
=== 2016-01-02 ===
12:34:00 [23d070b6af] tagged technote (user: Ross tags: C, D)
=== 2016-01-01 ===
12:34:00 [47c05d1aab] technote (user: Ross)
+++ no more data (11) +++
test wiki-30 OK

With my 1.2 sec delay in place the first two entries are guaranteed to land on distinct seconds and the test succeeds. Without it, the first three or four events all land in the same second and the test case fails.

Additional testing shows that it is specifically the attachment added to an older note that causes a shadow of a new technote to be created. That shadow is visible to the fossil wiki list --technote command, but does not appear in the timeline as a technote.

Is this a bug in the fossil attach command? In the technote handling? In the timeline? or in the documentation?

On a related note, it would appear that way too long a prefix for the SHA1 artifact ids is being used for the Add attachment entries displayed by fossil timeline. I would imagine that the same prefix length for display of checkin ID would be suitable.

Ross Berteig                               r...@cheshireeng.com
Cheshire Engineering Corp.           http://www.CheshireEng.com/
+1 626 303 1602
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