On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 10:54 AM, John Found <johnfo...@evrocom.net> wrote:

> Hi all.
> First mail to this mail list. Please forgive my audacity - fossil is simply
> gorgeous just like SQLite, but it need to be renamed as soon as possible. :)
> My point is simple. IMHO, the name "Fossil" provokes some unpleasant
> associations and have not very propriate connotations.
> The same can be said for Fossil Logo - it is dark and have veri grim look.
> Just compare it with SQLite name and logo (btw - old logo and site of
> sqlite was better,now they are "heavy" :) )
> Also look at other similar systems - "Bazaar" - makes allusion with crowds
> of developers. "Mercurial" - something very agive, quick, versatile.
> The name is important for the future of the every project. And if the name
> have to be changed - it is good to be made in earlier stages of development.

Unfortunately, the train has already left the station.  Fossil has been
self-hosting since 2007 and parts of the code have been around for a year or
so prior to that.  Fossil might seem like it is in "early stages of
development" to you, since you have only just now discovered it, but it has
been around for quite some time now.  3.62 years - which is like half an eon
in internet time, right?

> So, mr.Hipp, please think a little about this arguments.
> Best Regards
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D. Richard Hipp
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