On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Ben Summers <b...@fluffy.co.uk> wrote:

> * Versionable settings


> * SSL improvements

:| (No opinion.)

> * Relative pathname listings

:-D (i can't count how often the current behaviour has gotten on my nerves)

> * empty-dirs setting
> ...In an ideal world, I'd add the ability to version directories
> 'properly', but it would be quite a large change to the internals. Taking a
> pragmatic approach, I added a versionable empty-dirs setting which allows
> you to specify a list of directories which should exist after a checkout.

i've got no opinion for this one. IMO it's simpler just to put a 0-byte
dummy file in the dir (and old hack used by many CVS repos).

> Thanks for any feedback.

Thanks for the code :).

----- stephan beal
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