On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Ben Summers <b...@fluffy.co.uk> wrote:

> Richard is rightly very conservative about changes to Fossil, and asked it
> was off by default. I understand his reluctance to risk breaking anything,
> however remote the chance.

While i sympathize with Richard's position on this as a general policy, i
think the current behaviour is not something someone has been relying on (or
they have had to invest significant script-fu to work around it, as opposed
to _with_ it). This is one of those cases which reminds me of a long time
ago... i patched a bug in Jakarta Ant and the devs refused it because
someone might be relying on the old bug. The bug, in that case, was a
NullPointerException which invariably killed the build, so nobody could have
possibly been relying on it. i feel the same way about the "absolute" paths
(though obviously they're not fatal, i feel they were the wrong behaviour
from the start).

----- stephan beal
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