On 8/12/2011 1:09 PM, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
>> * Relative pathname listings
> Not something I agree with. I think you want to implement the git
> behavior? I find that utterly confusing and it doesn't add any real
> value.

It's tremendously useful for, e.g., my fossil_php_lint script that I use 
to run `php -l` on all modified or added PHP files before I commit. It 
means you can pipe (or xargs) the output of any of the affected commands 
to other processes no matter where you are in the repo and have it 
actually work.

> From dealing with large repositories, it makes a lot more sense
> to follow CVS/SVN here and restrict the operation to the directory
> currently in and have an option to make it default to the whole tree.

fossil is more like git in expected repo layout than it is like SVN. In 
SVN you *have* to treat everything as directory-relative, since branches 
and tags are also modeled as directories. I think we're past the point 
in history where taking design cues from CVS looks like a good idea on 
the face.

It's not hard to turn the new output into what you want, though. E.g.:

fossil extras | grep -v '..'

Joshua Paine
LetterBlock: Web Applications Built With Joy
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