On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:29 AM, David Given <d...@cowlark.com> wrote:
    The code doesn't look too complicated. I presume I'd just need to add an
    extra URL parameter for the ticket id and then add another condition to
    the SELECT statement. I'll have a look.

On 2013-02-05 11:37, Stephan Beal wrote:
For tickets it's (unfortunately) more complicated than that because
tickets can have custom fields, custom stati, etc. They are, in essence,
completely configurable by the client,

Not *completely*. The fields starting with `tkt_` are mandatory, and can’t be removed. The ticket-ID being one of them, adding it as a filtering parameter to the "timeline.rss" feed shouldn’t be problematic.

Filtering on the non-mandatory fields would probably be a lot more problematic, indeed.
Martijn Coppoolse

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