On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:39:00 +0200, <sky5w...@gmail.com> wrote:

I got something similar when I inadvertently left the prefix character '#'
in front of my comment.

thanks a lot! would never have thought of that but apparently (if I've understood his answer correctly) he did just that on purpose, presuming that that's the way the commit message should look like (sounds like a good candidate for the FAQ ...).

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 1:23 PM, j. van den hoff

I'm asking this for a colleague just starting to use fossil under windows
(with which I have no experience whatsoever):

he succeeded to clone the repo (after circumventing the previously
mentioned SSL cerificate problem) and to open it.

so he added some new file to the checkout dir and did `fossil add
new_file' and then `fossil commit'. his mail says that at this point

notpad pops up with the checkin template text and he added a message and
saved+exited the editor.

problem: he then gets the "empty commit message" warning at the command
prompt (but no error message or anything) which he confirmed and which
indeed let to a commit with an empty commit message.

I suspect this has to do with write permission to some temporary location
but don't know anything of windows etc.

any help/tip would be appreciated.

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