On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 1:31 PM, j. van den hoff

> actually, I've just "discovered" that it _is_ already stated in the commit
> template itself:
> "# Enter comments on this check-in.  Lines beginning with # are ignored."
> so this definitely _should_ have sufficed to notify the unwary user but it
> did not (and then the help text probably is ignored, too...):

Right -anyone who doesn't read that text is not going to look at the help.
There's not much we can do about that, and the result of ignoring it is
harmless - an empty commit message which can then be edited after-the-fact.

so maybe that text better should be rephrased to something like:
> "# Enter your commit message for this check-in above this line.  Lines
> beginning with # are ignored."

Agreed - i'll change "comment" to "message" (unless a better suggestion
comes up before i get it changed). i'm still at work, but will get this
done in the next couple days. Tomorrow and Friday i'm working from home, so
i'll have some extra time to play around (@boss: by that i mean only "no
travel time" :).

> another question/idea: would it not be relatively easy to change the
> behaviour to:
> "# Enter your commit message for this check-in above this line. This line
> and everything below is ignored."

> meaning that this specific pattern (the whole, exact line) determines end
> of the commit message (which then very well might include #-lines if the
> user so desires)?

i think that would just leave a bug-in-waiting which we'd eventually trip
over (and end up with more comment text than desired, as opposed to an
empty one). e.g. when libfossil eventually gets this behaviour, someone
will want to translate that text, and then an exact match will break. The
current convention has a long and glorious history in svn, cvs, etc., and
is easier to implement (is already implemented!) so i'd rather just stick
with that.

----- stephan beal
"Since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of those who insist on a
perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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