On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 9:05 PM, j. van den hoff

> the way the commit message should look like (sounds like a good candidate
> for the FAQ ...).

(to be pedantic for a moment (surprise! ;))... except that it fails the "F"
part of "FAQ" ;).

But yeah, this should be mentioned somewhere. Suggestions are welcomed. How
about simply to the basic commit help?

[stephan@host:~]$ f help commit
Usage: f commit ?OPTIONS? ?FILE...?

Create a new version containing all of the changes in the current
checkout.  You will be prompted to enter a check-in comment unless
the comment has been specified on the command-line using "-m" or a
file containing the comment using -M.  The editor defined in the
"editor" fossil option (see f help set) will be used, or from
the "VISUAL" or "EDITOR" environment variables (in that order) if
no editor is set.
<<<here somewhere>>>


----- stephan beal
"Since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of those who insist on a
perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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