On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 12:34:51PM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>     On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>         much time was required to generate the page on the server.  I'm
>         interested to know how much time was used to generate some of your
>         multi-megabyte /tree pages.
>     i'd be interested to know what those megs are - maybe we can consolidate
>     symbols, optimize HTML, shorten CSS names, or some such to cut that down.
>     5MB is quite a lot for a mobile connection, and most of the Free World
>     doesn't have real flat-rate internet. In Europe the standard is to cut a
>     phone's internet speed to Edge-network speed (~ISDN) once you go over your
>     monthly quota, which is anywhere from 300MB to 5GB, depending on provider/
>     package. For a 300MB monthly quota, 5MB is quite a chunk.
> Some quick checks show roughly 200 bytes per file (uncompressed) or about 25
> bytes/file compressed.  Baruch is seeing 2x or 4x more bytes uncompressed, but
> perhaps that is because his repository has filenames that are longer?
> Baruch:  Can you pull a /tree from your big repo, do a "Save As..." of the 
> page
> to a file, check its size, then run gzip across it and check its compressed
> size?  Also if you can do "grep '<li class=' page.html | wc" to let us know
> exactly how many files are in the page, that would be cool too.
> The newly added part (the last change times) add probably 50 bytes/line, but
> the addition is highly compressible, so I'm guessing it does not increase the
> compressed size by very much.
> One way to really save space would be to send only the first 10 or 16 bytes of
> the SHA1 hash in the hyperlink for each file, instead of the full 40 bytes. 
> The SHA1 hashes do not compress well, so making that change would perhaps make
> a big difference even in the compressed size.

For my 5MB that come from firefox Network profiling, it seems to come
from compressed value.. When I save-as the page, I get a 31.7MB html
file. If I gzip this html file, I get a 4.0MB file.

Martin G.
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