On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2014, at 11:48 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > It should be compressing, at least based on what i see in cgi.c.
> You skimmed that a bit too fast.  I was just commenting that I *expected*
> to find that Fossil didn’t gzip its own content, but was surprised to find
> that it does.

Doh, indeed - speed reading is not a skill of mine.

> Fossil is still using <table> based layouts, in the timeline view at
> least.  Tsk, tsk.  Not that I have the slightest idea how you’d build that
> page in “pure” CSS instead.  Just teasing. :)

Yeah, but if we're gonna working with lync/elinks/etc., tables are a must.
i wouldn't know off-hand how to replace a table CSS, either, and would be
concerned of backlash from users who are stuck with old IE versions.

> > The JS is also in C code. Normally someone develops it in a local JS
> file or their browser console, then paste it into C and adds quotes around
> it. It's baked into the binary, so minifying would have to be done on the
> fly and would have little benefit because we have little JS.
> Actually, you could instead keep the JS file separate in Fossil’s own
> repo, then minify it and insert it into the C file as part of the build
> process.

That infrastructure was only recently added. Over time, more of those
resources will be moved into the file-based system. The build process bakes
those files into the binary, but we could have an intermediate step for
minification and such.

> This would have a side advantage, in that your text editor would
> syntax-color the JS code properly, since it would be in a *.js file now.
> You wouldn’t need to keep extracting and re-inserting it to achieve that
> end.

true enough - it's just been a question of effort. We keep the JS to a
minimum (even moreso because it's tedious to add ;).

> I seem to recall that Fossil already generates some of its own C.  Not
> true?

Correct. e.g. the various commands, web page routes, and help text are
extracted from marked-up comments in the sources and compiled in.

> Even if you don’t already have a C file assembler in place, it’s pretty
> trivial to implement.  It would be a 20-line shell script based primarily
> on cat(1) and jsmin.

Given the new infrastructure, it wouldn't be much work, it just hasn't
caught anyone's attention/muse yet.

i suspect that some of the lower-hanging fruit, like truncating the UUIDs,
would initially give us bigger wins with less effort.

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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