On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> There is one other way to solve it, which would let you keep the tree view
> without spamming the client with the entire tree on the first /tree page
> load: Ajax.

There's been some experimentation with "alternative UIs" using AJAX and the
JSON API, as well as libfossil script bindings over CGI, but i haven't
hacked on them in some time b/c i'm having too much fun working on the
newer scripting engine:



Both are only proofs of concept apps, but i _do_ use a custom fossil
front-end for some of my wikis, where i store the wiki pages in Google Code
wiki format, save them in fossil, but do the rendering on the client side:


those use a 100% custom Fossil UI, using the JSON API for all communication
with fossil. It's not a paragon of web design (i've got no gift for making
sites pretty, and that demo is relatively old, so no require.js), but it
proves that it can be done.

There's _lots_ yet to experiment with in that regard - it's only a matter
of time.

Speaking of latency, if you are thinking of objecting that the XHR requests
> would add noticeable latency vs the current scheme, where all the data is
> already present and just has to be displayed, I speak from experience when
> I tell you that you can get an XHR round-trip time down into that
> double-digit millisecond range.  More speed simply isn’t necessary when
> dealing with human reaction time.

You don't have to convince me, but as you say: it'd be a lot of work. It'd
be easier to do such work in new trees, i think, and my own personal TODO
list in this regard is longer than my hair.

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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