Thanks for all the imagining.  (Sorry, I was off reading the latest
episode of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality....
quite extraordinary!)

But I'm back.  I could imagine one student doing some weird thing, but
not a score of them with the same outcome.  The directions were as I
posted (without the bits in red).  I would virtually guarantee that
*none* of the students tried shun or rebuild or copied over the
.fossil file.... but they all did it, and did the same thing? As
likely that they all had the same hash code! :-)

Sorry I can't reconstruct the sequence more accurately, but with 125
students coming in at random times with problems and only seeing this
split-timeline yesterday, and now trying to put it all together....
Here's what I've got:

1) I have a directory with a .fossil-settings and a1/.hold a2/.hold
called Template-Checkout
2) I execute a script containing:
        fossil new $f
        chmod g+w $f
        fossil sqlite $f "INSERT INTO config VALUES
        for ta in `cat TA-id`
           fossil user -R $f new $ta $ta $pw
           fossil user -R $f capabilities $ta v
        fossil user -R $f new $who $who $pw
        fossil user -R $f capabilities $who v
                    cd Template-Checkout &&
                        fossil open --nested ../$f &&
                        fossil add --dotfiles . &&
                        fossil commit -m 'default setup' &&
                        fossil close ||
                            exit 1
                ) || {
                     echo "build for $who FAILED!!"
                     exit 1
3) this is inside another working directory - hence the --nested, $f
is student.fossil
4) the student does a fossil clone as per the instructions in
5) when they do the "fossil open" they *DON'T* see any files listed.
The next line they see is 'project-name:'
6) they are apparently not in trunk - in fact there are no tags
7) they create files, add them, do ci
8) the marker (shruthi) clones them, updates them, and seeing nothing,
registers a mark of 0 in a file called a1/Marks, adds it, commits it
9a) the student does an update, sees no mark file, or
9b) the student sees the mark file, but all files look to have gone.
10) when I update/clone and do ui I see that there are 2 timelines.

Does that help at all?


On 11 March 2015 at 14:43, Eric Rubin-Smith <> wrote:
>> ... unless the students used raw SQL to hack there project-id to make
>> it match the repository into which they were pushing.  But I'm
>> thinking that is not what happened here.
> Little anecdote.  When I was a student we were using CVS for our "big
> project".  One teammate couldn't understand why his check-ins were not
> showing up in CVSTrac (thanks Richard:-)... investigation revealed that he
> was trying to 'cp' his files onto the CVS repo tree rather than using 'cvs'
> commands.
> Not sure which is a better stress tester, a randomized fuzz program or an
> inexperienced student with 50000 volts of coffee onboard at 2am...
> Eric
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