On 3/11/15, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org> wrote:
> We're just eliminating all the obvious things. So, let me ask this... in
> the PNG of the timeline you sent, why does your ``default setup'' commit
> show up *after* the other timeline's first commit?
> According to  your own  steps, this  should have  happened prior  to any
> students getting  it, yet  the second timeline  clearly has  a beginning
> time that precedes your ``default setup.''

That's an processing artifact of the graph generator.  The 198f28add5
check-in references some parent a09a968bf05 which is not in the tree,
so the graph generator just draws a line off the bottom of the page,
not knowing what else to do.

D. Richard Hipp
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