Heya! :-)

On Di, 2015-05-19 at 08:41 +0800, Max wrote:
> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate
> to working on the board on a regular basis?
Difficult question as I have just started a new job which makes things a
bit more unpredictable.  It will be better than the last few weeks
though.  A conservative expectation ranges between four to eight hours.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia?
I have been on the organising committee for the last few years. I think
Asia provides vast amounts of potential Free Software and GNOME users
and it would be good if we can leverage that potential.  We can debate
whether the current GUADEC-esque format, by which I mean going to a
different country every year, is the best we can do, though.


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