On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:41 AM, Max <sakana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,

Hi Max!

> 1)  How many hours per week do you expect you will be able to dedicate to
> working on the board on a regular basis?

It's always hard coming with an estimation for such a thing,
especially when you haven't been on the board before and don't know
for sure how it really works. That said, I think I should be able to
commit to something between 5 and 10 hours a week.

I should also be able to find more time if there's an issue that
requires more at a certain point in time. Working as an independant, I
am quite flexible with my time and I'm able to accommodate my schedule
to make room for things I care about in rush periods.

> 2)  What's your plan and view with GNOME in Asia? How do you think
> about grow GNOME in Asia?( ecosystem / contribute / sponsor /
> volunteer ...  )

Asia seems to me like a place where we have a huge opportunity:
there's a free software boom there and people are very enthusiastic.
GNOME should definitely push in that direction.

Our community members who live in Asia already do a great job by
organising events such as GNOME.Asia or release parties. It's
difficult for someone who's not there to help. The board can probably
do things to help, but they won't be the ones actually making things
happen in the first place. What I think the board can and should do is
for instance voting for budget allocation, and give advice on how to
use money the best way.

I'd also like to see more workshop-type events and if we have
volunteers willing to organize them, we should make sure they have the
means to do that.

> * Maybe you already notice -- there start to have sponsors from Asia
> with GUADEC.( There are 2 in 2015 and 1 in 2014 )

I know! I was really happy when I was told that the GNOME.Asia
organizers brought me a sponsor last year. I think there's room for
more of this in the future and we should indeed encourage sponsors of
one the events to sponsor the other one as well.

> * There are some open source events related and co-work with GNOME
> Users Group or Members in Asia.

Colocating events is a good idea too. It can help save money
(splitting some of the cost), get venues (only have to ask once
instead of twice) and more importantly it brings visibility to a
bigger audience. People interested in one of the two events would be
attending another one they might not know of otherwise.

So yes, that's something that we should encourage.

Alexandre Franke
foundation-list mailing list

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