This note came to me from our Decatur plant.  Any suggestions?

We are looking at a problem that is going to be experienced by other plants
in the future. We have a Foxboro I/A system here on our Cogen plant. We have
AW51s (A series) and V6.1 software. We recently installed the OSI PI system
onto one of our AW51s. What was already a slow box has become almost
unusable. We have received a lot of complaints from the plant operators -
especially about the graphic call up speed.

We have talked about upgrading the boxes to the latest AW51s (series D or E)
to speed things up. Unfortunately we are being quoted $100,000 by Foxboro.
What makes this worse is that we know we can buy the boxes from Sun direct
for 30% of the Foxboro price and Foxboro are charging us $50,000 for
software licenses. Foxboro are not being very helpful at this time. When we
proposed buying the boxes from Sun, Foxboro refused to support these boxes.

We are wondering if it is technically possible to buy the new boxes from Sun
and try to load the existing software on ourselves. This would mean that we
are using the same software licenses but should get a better performance. We
have asked Foxboro about this and been told that it is not possible because
we need to buy new licenses from Sun. We have asked Sun about this and they
have told us that we do not need new licenses but they do not know if this
would work.

Does anyone have any thoughts/experience in this matter. Is this possible or
are we missing something somewhere?

All comments gratefully received

Bob Davis
Process Control Engineer
765-477-5317---Fax 765-474-9036

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