On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Max Nazhalov wrote:

On 12.10.2015 17:17 schrieb "Dmitry Boyarintsev" <skalogryz.lists at gmail.com> 
About while-then. While the syntax is unlikely to break anything, it's
inconsistent with if-statement.
where, if-then is executed when condition is true.
For while-then is executed then condition is false.
Thus, while-else or while-otherwise are better. However, both syntax would
cause code incompatibility.

I doubt "while-else" is a variant, due to dangling "else".

How will be compiled, e.g.
if something then
 while not_done_yet do
else // obviously valid, and expected to be a part of "if-then-else"

That is the meaning of "However, both syntax would cause code incompatibility."
and is already in my very first reply to OP.

So While... else or While .. Otherwise will never make it in the compiler.

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