On 10/12/2015 11:33 AM, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 12.10.2015 20:02 schrieb "Dmitry Boyarintsev" <skalogryz.li...@gmail.com <mailto:skalogryz.li...@gmail.com>>:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com <mailto:freedos...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Sorry, we are programming here in Pascal, not Python. I could give a rodent's posterior about what Python implements.
>> People need to properly design their software, not just hacking away. Then they do not need to come up with whacko stop-gaps to fix what could have been done properly in the first place...
> Well, from fpc-devel list perspective your only hope is that any new feature is added via MODESWITCH. Thus any existing unit would be kept clean. You would also be able to keep your libraries clean, by not allowing using of a certain modeswitches.

Since one point of this discussion is to implement in a way that it doesn't break anything, it wouldn't be implemented.behind a modeswitch probably.

> However, if you look at the recent (for the past few months) discussions, you might spot that the number of requests for new features (from recent Delphi and other languages) is growing. Constantly.


> In this particular case it's even worse (actually it's better, from fpc-devel POV), since the patch has been provided.

However we did nowhere state that we'd incorporate the feature. I only said that I'd definitely look at it to check whether the work in principle is good.

> The next step would probably be controlled "break", where a user would be able to specify how many nested loops needed to broken from.

That would be more useful than the while-else though :P

Yes, I have seen a lot of those requests and pretty much none of them made any sense to me. As I already stated, it always seems to me that someone wants to have something implemented that they have seen in a different language, which might have a different approach to programming to begin with or they "think" they need a specific feature to get them out of a pickle they got themselves into because they are just hacking away instead of properly designing their programs. Neither of those case are IMHO valid to mess around with a working compiler. If someone is so fond of the features that Python/Haskell/Erland/<your favorite 'Cool-boy' programming language de jour> provides, then they should use that to solve their programming issues. They apparently don't understand how to use Pascal...


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