On 10/12/2015 04:10 PM, Dmitry Boyarintsev wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 3:47 PM, <wkitt...@windstream.net
<mailto:wkitt...@windstream.net>> wrote:

    by checking the value that caused the break ;) deity knows i've done it many
    times before back in the TP/BP 6&7 days... i did it exactly as described,
    too... we had to do it that way as there is/was no other way to do it ;)

That's exactly the thing. You didn't have a cross-loop break, that's why you've
to have some guaranteed values that would allow you to verify if a loop was
broken or not.

yeah... i implemented my needed logic for that type of scenario... just like any good programmer can/will/should do...

If it was broken then you'd set any additional conditions (if needed) to break
out another loop and pass it above.

In the end you end-up having additional break condition checks in each loop.
Just by the fact, that a language doesn't provide you with any other means to do
it less complex.

ok... so instead we'll have the compiler perform my business logic for me? no thanks... the compiler has enough to do already ;)

I'd also need to note, that no other language, to my knowledge, have cross-loop
breaks anyway :)
Good-old language (Pascal / C /C++) still have goto though... but we won't use
it, right?

that's right... i think i may have used goto once in 30 years or however long it has been available in pascal... i started self-taught with basic... goto and gosub all over the place... tough as hades to follow the code and no apparent logical layout... i was ecstatic when a friend turned me on to pascal and asm... i dropped basic like a hot potato[e?] and never looked back... especially never looking back at goto ;) ;) ;)

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