On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 1:30 AM Bart <bartjun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> fpcmkcfg.exe does not support -V parameter

Never mind that: it helps if you actually rebuild fpc, not just update
the sources ;-)

fpcmkcfg -h however does not list the "-V" option.

Now I get the rather ludicrous error message: "Warning: The fpcmkcfg
configuration tool it too old [3.3.1]."

In function TInitialSetupDialog.CheckFpcmkcfgQuality(out Note:
string): TSDFilenameQuality;

else if not ((Ver.Major = 0) or (Ver.Major > 3) or (((Ver.Major = 3))
and (Ver.Minor>3))) then  <<=====================
            // fpcmkcfg's version must be > 3.1.
I think the above code checks for 0.x, 4.x and > 3.3.x, which is not
what the comment says.

I changed that to
else if not ((Ver.Major = 0) or (Ver.Major > 3) or (((Ver.Major = 3))
and (Ver.Minor>1))) then

Now it lets me create a new Fppkg configuration.

Note: I see several times a window (console?) flash when starting up
Lazarus now.
Maybe add poNoConsole to ProcessOptions ?
It's a bit annoying now.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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