Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> schrieb am
Di., 16. Feb. 2021, 19:21:

> >
> > There we have:
> >
> > * slower creation of the class, because each implemented interface adds
> another VMT reference to the class which needs to be initialized.
> How bad is this? We need to make a test case we can profile. For example
> if you have a game that creates 1000 classes 60 frames per second. If
> adding interfaces to the classes hurts this process we may have a deal
> breaker.

If you need to create 1000 class instances each frame then you have a flaw
in your logic in my opinion.

> > * slow reference counting. Especially if it is thread safe and exception
> safe with the implicit exception block
> It's a whole other topic but FPC needs opt-in ARC at the language level
> for classes. Interfaces are not only slow but then you need to pass around
> a reference to the interface instead of the class you actually care about.
> It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Interfaces are not slow because they are are interfaces! When you call a
interface method it has the same costs as a virtual method call! And the
cost for reference counting that interfaces have right now would be there
for ARC as well.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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