A stab in the dark.
If you have more than one character format in a cross-reference, FM reads
the first and ignores the rest. You'll "see" the full effect until the
x-refs are updated, then all the "extra" formatting drops off. If the format
associated with the invisible number contain additional character
formatting, it could be inheriting this buggy x-ref-type of behavior.
Baruch Brodersen

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 8:48 PM, Fei Min Lorente
<FeiMin.Lorente at onsemi.com>wrote:

> I'm using structured FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows XP SP2, Acrobat 9 Pro
> version 9.3.2, TimeSavers 5.0.
> I recently converted a FrameMaker manual from unstructured to structured
> FrameMaker and applied the template that I use on all user
> documentation. Everything looks normal in FrameMaker, but when I turned
> it into a PDF today (by printing the book to Adobe PDF and creating a
> postscript file, then running the file through Distiller with the -f
> option), the chapter numbers which are supposed to be invisible are
> showing up in the PDF. They aren't appearing in FrameMaker.
> [Optional reading:
> For inquiring minds, the reason I have invisible numbers is because a
> long time ago (before I started working here), someone decided to make
> the chapter numbers large and fancy with a special graphic background.
> As a result, they are not part of the paragraph style for the chapter
> title. To get the autonumbers on the chapter titles, I've got a rather
> tiny invisible number before the title text.]
> The invisible numbers are not appearing on any of my other manuals when
> I turn them into PDF. I've checked View > Color > Definitions and
> Invisible is there. I've checked View > Color > Views and Invisible is
> there, too. The definition of Invisible is the same as my template
> (i.e., all the other manuals). The definition of the paragraph style for
> the chapter title is "H:< >< =0><$chapnum>.\t", which is the same as the
> template. The character format says it is using the Invisible color. So
> I can't think of where else to look or what else to change. Is there
> something about the PDF settings? Any ideas?
> Fei Min
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Fei Min Lorente
> Senior Technical Communicator
> Medical Division
> ON Semiconductor
> feimin.lorente at onsemi.com <mailto:feimin.lorente at onsemi.com>
> +1 519 884 9696 ext 2297 | office
> +1 519 831 4931 | mobile
> +1 519 884 0228 | fax
> http://www.onsemi.com <http://www.onsemi.com>
> -------------------------------------------------------
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B a r u c h   B r o d e r s e n
T e c h n i t e x t   D o c u m e n t a t i o n
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T w i t t e r :  @baruchbrodersen

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