Fred Ridder wrote:

> Richard's approach works perfectly for the TOC in the document.
> Where it doesn't work (unless something has changed since the last time I
> tested it several years ago for a different employer) is in the PDF
> bookmarks. The "Acrobat data" that is exported from FrameMaker to support
> bookmark generation only includes what is in the heading paragraphs
> themselves. No number in the?chapter title paragraph means no number in the
> PDF bookmark for the chapter title. 

Oops, I forgot about that. Thanks for adding that clarification, Fred.

Back when the decision to remove numbering from the chapter titles was made (in 
those mists of time Fei Min mentioned), I seem to recall offering two options 
-- a "hidden number" kludge or no numbers in bookmarks. After we discussed the 
pros and cons of each option, we decided that the numbers in the bookmarks 
added little value, and we'd forgo them. Today, their absence seems so 
completely normal that I didn't even think about it. 

AFAIK, no one has ever missed them. If they have, they've kept it to 
themselves. :-) 

(Oh, I should mention that this is in our standard user docs template. We do 
have an alternate -- used primarily for lengthy, check-off-each-step 
installation/upgrade procedures -- in which all headings are numbered. But that 
has nothing to do with PDF bookmarks.) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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