In one of the many recent posts that the listserv took a day or more to send 
me, Fei Min Lorente wrote:

> I'm using structured FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows XP SP2, Acrobat 9 Pro
> version 9.3.2, TimeSavers 5.0.

With some trepidation, since I'm pretty ignorant of structured FM, I press on.

> I recently converted a FrameMaker manual from unstructured to structured
> FrameMaker and applied the template that I use on all user
> documentation. Everything looks normal in FrameMaker, but when I turned
> it into a PDF today (by printing the book to Adobe PDF and creating a
> postscript file, then running the file through Distiller with the -f
> option), the chapter numbers which are supposed to be invisible are
> showing up in the PDF. They aren't appearing in FrameMaker.

This is probably irrelevant to the problem, but if Adobe PDF is properly 
installed, you can create the PDF in one step if you just turn off Print to 
File. The process is the same one you're using -- a temporary PostScript file 
is produced, and then Distiller distills it to PDF -- it just saves you having 
to do it manually. 

> [Optional reading:
> For inquiring minds, the reason I have invisible numbers is because a
> long time ago (before I started working here), someone decided to make
> the chapter numbers large and fancy with a special graphic background.
> As a result, they are not part of the paragraph style for the chapter
> title. To get the autonumbers on the chapter titles, I've got a rather
> tiny invisible number before the title text.]

Why do you need hidden autonumbers in the chapter titles? Can't you use the 
<$chapnum> variable to get your chapter numbers? Or is there something about 
the implementation of structure that makes that solution (a no-brainer in 
unstructured) unsuitable? 

> The invisible numbers are not appearing on any of my other manuals when
> I turn them into PDF. I've checked View > Color > Definitions and
> Invisible is there. I've checked View > Color > Views and Invisible is
> there, too. The definition of Invisible is the same as my template
> (i.e., all the other manuals). The definition of the paragraph style for
> the chapter title is "H:< >< =0><$chapnum>.\t", which is the same as the
> template. The character format says it is using the Invisible color. So
> I can't think of where else to look or what else to change. Is there
> something about the PDF settings? Any ideas?

Oh, wait -- you're using <$chapnum> in the title's autonumber. But why? Why not 
just specify <$chapnum> when and where you want the chapter number to appear, 
instead of where you _don't_ want it to appear? 

As for Invisible -- you're apparently using that name for both a color 
definition and a character format. Have you verified that the character format 
is correctly defined? (Color = Invisible, everything else As Is)

Still, I'd opt for ditching Invisible (both color and tag) and the hidden 
autonumber kludge. Unless there's some compelling reason not to that I don't 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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