I'm using structured FrameMaker 7.2 on Windows XP SP2, Acrobat 9 Pro
version 9.3.2, TimeSavers 5.0.

I recently converted a FrameMaker manual from unstructured to structured
FrameMaker and applied the template that I use on all user
documentation. Everything looks normal in FrameMaker, but when I turned
it into a PDF today (by printing the book to Adobe PDF and creating a
postscript file, then running the file through Distiller with the -f
option), the chapter numbers which are supposed to be invisible are
showing up in the PDF. They aren't appearing in FrameMaker.

[Optional reading:

For inquiring minds, the reason I have invisible numbers is because a
long time ago (before I started working here), someone decided to make
the chapter numbers large and fancy with a special graphic background.
As a result, they are not part of the paragraph style for the chapter
title. To get the autonumbers on the chapter titles, I've got a rather
tiny invisible number before the title text.]

The invisible numbers are not appearing on any of my other manuals when
I turn them into PDF. I've checked View > Color > Definitions and
Invisible is there. I've checked View > Color > Views and Invisible is
there, too. The definition of Invisible is the same as my template
(i.e., all the other manuals). The definition of the paragraph style for
the chapter title is "H:< >< =0><$chapnum>.\t", which is the same as the
template. The character format says it is using the Invisible color. So
I can't think of where else to look or what else to change. Is there
something about the PDF settings? Any ideas?

Fei Min

Fei Min Lorente
Senior Technical Communicator
Medical Division
ON Semiconductor
feimin.lorente at onsemi.com <mailto:feimin.lorente at onsemi.com> 
+1 519 884 9696 ext 2297 | office
+1 519 831 4931 | mobile
+1 519 884 0228 | fax
http://www.onsemi.com <http://www.onsemi.com> 

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