On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Andreas Zeidler <a...@zitc.de> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 9:29 PM, Andreas Zeidler wrote:
>> i noticed that.  in fact, i was trying to figure out how the assigned value 
>> ("plone") ended up in `module_name`.  i
>> ended up looked at the entry point's (the one you get from 
>> `pkg_resources.iter_entry_points`) `__dict__`, assuming
>> that some magic in `pkg_resources` would translate the "target" to be meant 
>> as the module's name.  but apparently
>> all given value end up as `module_name` in the dict.  i suppose i should 
>> have had a closer look at entry point definitions first.

Ah, yeah, a single entry point basically models a dictionary entry:
`module_name` is (part of) the entry point's "value", which is
imported as a Python object; `name` is the "key".  So an entry point
"fleem = my.app.module:func" looks like
>> ep
EntryPoint.parse('fleem = my.app.module:func')
>> ep.name
>> ep.module_name
>> ep.load()   # basically `from my.app.module import func`
<function func at ...>

The entry point object also has a reference to the egg (distribution)
that provides it.  That's just about all they are, it's simpler than
the pkg_resources docs make them sound. :)

>> yes, [using an arbitrary entry point name instead of `target`] works.  in 
>> any case this should be documented, though.

Yeah, I'll work on this over the weekend.  The docs in general need
some cleaning up.

>>> Perhaps z3c.autoinclude could check if 
>>> `os.environ.has_key('Z3C_AUTOINCLUDE_DISABLED')` and the test runner and/or 
>>> a buildout option could set that environment variable?
>> yep, also +1.  after all, that's exactly what environment variable are for, 
>> aren't they? :)

OK, z3c.autoinclude trunk as of r96193 checks for

> i forgot to mention that it'd be great if you could try to work these out 
> until some time next week.  technically the revision deadline is this 
> saturday, of course, but since my review was several days late, i think it's 
> only fair to still grant you a full week to address these issues.  i hope the 
> delay doesn't cause too many inconveniences and you'll find the time it 
> takes...

n/p, none of this has been too time-consuming yet :)


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