jason already mentioned hotel diaries by John Smith; i'd add most of John
Smith's work to that list. Girl Chewing Gum, Gargantuan, and I laughed out
loud (which is uncommon for me) at Om.



On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:19 PM, David Tetzlaff <djte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm all for droll humor, but I wouldn't call Wavelength a laugh riot. It's
> a long wait before Hollis shows up. I think there's a lot of humor in
> Frampton, especially Hapax Legomena 1-3 [(nostalgia), Critical Mass, Poetic
> Justice) but it's subtle, and tickles the back of your brain more than
> boinking your funnybone.
> Experimental films are rarely 'just' funny. Where you find humor it's
> often mixed in a very unstable balance with darkness. "How can I shave when
> I can't think of s reason for living?" Cracks me up every time. Cause I've
> already been through the angst straight, you know.
> For American films, some that come to mind:
> The Geography of the Body, (Willard Maas) which is the rare
> straightforward comedy.
> The End, (Christopher Maclaine) which is intermittently hilarious and
> apocalyptic.
> Flaming Creatures (Jack Smith) (it helps if you know it's a comedy going
> in)
> Hold Me While I'm Naked, Sins of the Fleshapoids and other early George
> and Mike Kuchar stuff.
> Oh Dem Watermelons (Robert Nelson)
> Blonde Cobra (Ken Jacobs) again funny parts amidst a darker vision overall
> Recreation (Robert Breer)
> New Improved Institutional Quality (George Landow aka Owen Land)
> other Breer, Nelson and Landow works also have their share of humor
> Then there are some experimental films that are more 'fun' than funny,
> such as Cosmic Ray by Bruce Conner, Roger Beebe's TB/TX Dance, Peace
> Mandala by Paul Sharits.
> good luck, (or good yuck) "Let there be rejoicing!"
> djt
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