I love the humorous/anarchic line in experimental cinema.

George Kuchar's video diaries - there are over 200 - are often very funny.
I suggest the brilliant "Precious Products" - when I showed it in February
the audience howled at some of George's asides.

Robert Nelson of course. His great quote about art "having something to do
with having a good time" (in Scott MacDonald's interview with Nelson, I'm
quoting from memory).

Jacques Tati is not often mentioned in this context, but "Playtime" fits
right in here.

"Portrait of Jason" has outrageously funny moments amidst all the tension.

Andy Ditzler

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:56 PM, C Colvin <quirkys...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Framerworkers!
> I'd love to pick your brains.  I'm interested to watch more (& learn more
> about) experimental films that are humorous.  Either through physical
> comedy, sly wordplay/visual combinations, hilarious imagery or anything
> that has hit your funny bone... I'd love to hear your recommendations.  I
> prefer shorts (less than 20min), but am equally excited about funny
> moments/scenes in feature length experimental works as well.
> Thanks so much!
> Connie Colvin
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