'Mass for the Dakota Sioux' (1964)
Bruce Baillie

On Tuesday, August 28, 2018, Sarah Bliss <bl...@sarahblissart.com> wrote:

> Greetings Frameworkers,
> I write from AgX in Boston, where we are making our way, in grief and with
> love, since the death of our beloved Rob Todd.  At AgX, we sometimes hold a
> salon for members. The theme of our next will be elegies.  What filmic
> examples of elegies do you know?
> The Poetry Foundation defines an elegy as: "In traditional English
> poetry, it is often a melancholy poem that laments its subject’s death but
> ends in consolation."
> Thanks,
> Sarah Bliss
> http://www.SarahBlissArt.com
> Frame grab from *La Petite Mort*
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