> i can't answer the time stuff, Rob?

In each PMO, there is a function called:

    void          HandleTimeInfoEvent(PMOTimeInfoEvent *pEvent);

Check this function out -- it sends the time info to the player. These
functions are complicated by the fact that they need to be accurate and that
the user can seek. Your case is a lot simpler -- just figure out how many
samples you've written and convert that to HH:MM:SS and send the event to
the player as the other HandleTimeInfoEvent functions do...

Let me know if you need more info than that.

> i think saving the file to the same directory as the source file is the
> solution right now.

Actually, we had decided that we wanted to save the wav files into a WAV
subdirectory of the users' MyMusic directory. To do that, simply call

    Error GetSaveMusicDirectory(char* path, uint32* len);

on the preference object. A pointer to the prefs object is in the context
object, which each modules has. So,
m_context->prefs->GetSaveMusicDirectory(...) would get the music dir. Append
a 'WAV' and you've got your save place. Also, the output plugin should be
careful to not overwrite existing files -- it should append a -2, -3, .., to
the filename base.

--ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert


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